Step out of your comfort zone

Too many white folks have been too silent for too long. We need courageous, white leaders and accomplices to do the work of dismantling white supremacy, from within.

We need fearlessly anti-racist white folks.


Read on to learn more.


Does this sound like YOU?

  • You see the pervasive racism in our world, and you feel horrible.

  • You want to do something to disrupt the racism you see, but you’re not sure what to do.

  • You’re afraid that by publicly speaking out against racism you may be pulling focus from the messages of black and brown anti-racism advocates.

  • You’re scared of saying or doing the wrong thing publicly, and maybe even in private conversations.

  • You try your best, but you’re still secretly terrified that you’ll unintentionally misspeak and someone will call you a racist.

  • You’re ready to lose your fear and step courageously into the work of disrupting white supremacy.

Introducing the
Fearlessly Anti-Racist Cohort

Through 6 weeks of coaching, our Fearlessly Anti-Racist program will teach you how to:

✅ Come to terms with your white identity, privilege, and complicity in systemic racism.

✅ Reframe your thoughts around race and racism.

✅ Find or create a support system to maintain your mental and emotional health while doing the difficult work of anti-racism.

✅ Draft and practice your antiracist responses to friends’ and colleagues’ frequently asked questions about race.

✅ Develop a daily routine to transform your anti-racist action from a once-in-awhile burst, to an all-the-time lifestyle.


Our program includes six lessons (each lesson should take you approximately 90 minutes to complete). These lessons cover our Fearlessly Anti-Racist Framework, plus the fundamentals of race and racism in the U.S., to ensure the foundation for your success. Lessons feature written, audio and video content, including lectures by Chelsie and Galen, interactive online activities, and homework challenges to help you practice what you are learning.







In addition, you’ll participate in weekly cohort training sessions with Galen and / or Chelsie, to practice the skills you’ve learned in that week’s lesson. And after the program you’ll continue to be challenged with post-program activities and resources, and to be supported with a lifetime membership in our private Facebook group for alumni, in addition to other opportunities to remain in community, like in-person retreats.

In six weeks of intensive lessons, challenges, and practice, the Fearlessly Antiracist program helps white folks, who are looking to improve their anti-racist skills and mindset, to build their confidence and master the tools they need to fully step into the work of dismantling white supremacy. This program is designed for white folks inside and outside the workplace, including individuals and leaders in organizations, at every level of engagement with anti-racist work.

Police brutality against black citizens.

Critical race theory banned from schools.

Voter suppression in communities of color.

Indigenous peoples displaced and disappeared.

Immigrant families torn apart at the border.

Anti-Asian hate crimes on the rise. Again.

Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic rhetoric.

And every day the list grows longer.


You’ve seen the news and you’ve seen enough.


You’re a white person who cares. Deeply. But you’re a white person. Should you really get involved? Can you really do enough?


You can take action to disrupt racism today. You can join with other white folks, in collaboration with communities of color, and stand up to individual bullies and an unjust system. You’ve seen white supremacy in action and you can’t stay silent. You can’t remain on the sidelines. Are you ready to take the next step? Are you ready to become fearless?


The Challenges (and the Support!)

  • Each cohort member will work through six, 90-minute lessons, including homework challenges! You can complete each lesson at your own pace each week, and you’ll have access to previous lessons if you need to go back.

  • Our weekly, virtual cohort meetings challenge you to practice your skills LIVE, while getting the support you need from your community. Recordings of each live training are always available for cohort members who miss a session.

  • Cohort members have 24/7 access to community support through our private, cohort-only Facebook group. We also match you with an accountability partner, based on common personal or professional interests, to help keep you motivated.

  • The challenges (and the support!) don’t end when the program is over. In addition to lifetime access to our alumni Facebook group, we also provide you materials to help you practice your fearless anti-racism. Every. Single. Day.

 Is a Fearlessly Anti-Racist cohort right for me?

A Fearlessly Anti-Racist cohort is the best place to be for white folks looking to become bolder, more courageous, and more confident in speaking out and doing more to help end racism. The answer is YES! if this sounds like you:

  • You… are ready to step outside your comfort zone

  • You… are excited to both challenge and support others on their own anti-racist journey

  • You… are committed to making anti-racist practice a lifestyle

  • You… are a white person who tries your best to disrupt racism

  • You… care deeply about equality, equity, and justice

  • You… are seeking a community of like-minded individuals

What could the Fearlessly Anti-Racist program do for your career?

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an executive or an employee, finding a community of supportive white folks who also challenge you can be tough. Especially finding folks who are also committed to the work of fearless anti-racism. The value of our cohort model isn’t just improved learning — it’s also in making lasting connections with other folks, across industries, who are also committed to disrupting white supremacy. Whether you’re looking for employees who are committed to creating an equitable workplace, or a new opportunity with an organization that actually gets it, when you’re part of the #fearlesslyantiracist community, we look out for each other. Because we know we’re all in this together.

The Fearlessly Anti-Racist Framework

  • Awaken

    If you wanna be “woke” you first have to awaken. Waking up to your whiteness isn’t easy, especially when it means also waking up to your privilege, and to your complicity in white supremacy.

    It may seem overwhelming (one might say challenging!), but don’t worry, we’re here to support you every step of your journey.

  • Absorb

    Wow, being complicit in white supremacy? Being privileged on the basis of your skin color? Heck, even just being WHITE – like having a real, bona fide racial identity – it’s a lot to take in. Some might argue it’s too much to take in. And without the right tools, it can be. We can end up wallowing in guilt, shame, or overwhelming grief. Or we can get defensive, argumentative or even angry.

    Owning those emotions can go a long way. But dealing with them is just as important. That’s why we teach you the tools you need to get in touch with your feelings AND get your head straight when thinking about race and racism. Not just today, but every day. By setting up the right support system, you’ll keep your mind clear and be ready to act with purpose.

  • Actuate

    We all want to act, but action without preparation can be just as harmful as not acting at all. When we actuate ourselves, we transform ourselves into people who are ready to take informed, consistent action against racism.

    You can’t be fearless without practice. No successful actor, public speaker, or singer ever takes the stage unprepared and unrehearsed. To be great, to be confident, you have to practice. Practicing your anti-racist “elevator pitch” is a great way to start.

    Practice every day, and challenge yourself too. Start small - in your church, or your workplace, or with friends and family. Build a community where you can openly talk about race and racism. From there, you’ll build your confidence, and be ready to tackle even bigger challenges.

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